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April 4: Easter Bells are ringing

Egads, it has been an interesting weekend for me. It was one full of hope and despair. The a cappella concert that i was producing in baltimore went off pretty well. i wasn't prepared to emcee the thing, but i flew by the seat of my pants as i often do, and it seemed to have worked. i only got heckled a couple of times, but i handled the situations with aplomb. The professional group from boston drove down for the concert ...and i'm completly smitten with one of the tenors s****. M*ke the bass wasn't too bad to look at either. and men who sing. and sing well. thump thump. They were loud and rocked the house and were funny to boot. I wished that I could have spent more time with them after and before the concert. But we were all running around like we were going to have our heads chopped off. And I was the prize laying hen. I found out that i can drive relatively well and for a longer period of time by myself than i thought possible. i still give mad props to eris, jasme and holly for the journeys that they take (i shall not make the trek to new york by myself). but i got back from baltimore in one piece, in the rain and in less than five hours. go me go me. That was a major accomplishment considering my motion sickness. With no caffeine i did not fall asleep once during the drive. And I only yawned a couple of times. If you couldn't tell, I'm happy. But there was sad news for the day was when i got home. I found out that a "friend/acquaintance" of mine died on friday. He was only29 years old. We don't know what caused it. But he called 911 friday morning and complained of stomach aches and by the time the paramedics arrived. he was dead. That's something to face when you walk into your home slightly euphoric from things you've accomplished. My aunt's birthday is today. So I stopped over in bowie,md last nite to celebrate with her. She is so very special to me. I was glad that we got to spend that time together. and drum roll....i went and saw a movie. quelle horreur! She took me to see THE MATRIX. see it. i'm telling you to run fast and see it. I may do so again...but don't tell certain friends of mine. I may actually start going with them once a month. ooo stop me. peace out everyone. and i hope you had a happy easter.