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10-23-98: one degree of seperation

I get closer and closer to this event really effecting my life more than I needed it to at the moment. So I'm sitting at home last night after a day at work and rehearsal and i begin reading one of our weekly newspapers, The Independent. There is a picture of Matthew Shepard on the cover. Since the paper comes out on wednesday, i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that their coverage is new and not simply a rehash of the media circus that became hategate all of last week. I was not prepared in the least for what i was about to read in the paper. The article was a description of Matthew and a telling of one aspect of his life through his friends. the article had a definite North Carolina angle. well, not even just a north carolina angle, the paper had a decidedly RALEIGH angle. apparently matthew spent the past two years living in north carolina (raleigh in particular and durham at times) when he was going to therapy at Duke University, before moving back to Laramie and going to college. Living three blocks from the university is interesting enough, but that's not where the 1 degree comes into play. I finished reading the article and the name j sch--d was strewn periodically through the article. j was supposedly one of his best friends while Matt lived in North Raleigh and went to Legends and shopped at Crabtree Valley Mall and Cary Towne Center. sco--d, scho--d, sco--d, i wondered why that name sounded so familiar. to me. and then i realized that it was the last name of this actor friend of mine whose work i really admire. what a coincidence. But then after reading the entire article the thought struck. i had had this type of conversation with a person that i met at work several months ago. about the last name sco--d. was my actor-friend his cousin or something. and it was. but again that isn't the point of connection between matthew and myself. The coworker that i was having this discussion with was j sco--d. the j sco--d who's best friend was just recently brutally mudered because of his sexual orientation. I had to take a moment (thanks "the biscuit") and reflect on what j must be going through at the moment and the implications weighed on me heavily last nite. So the friend connection has forced me to start thinking about my friend jeremy who was murdered last year by his lover (yeah i could get sued for slander because it hasn't been proven). that was been probably one of the most furstrating experiences in my life. here was someone so full of vim that he felt indestructible and we all thought he was a well. he was going to succeed in life simply because he was jeremy and life was good to him that way. And then brad. i can't even begin to discuss what happened to brad. i can begin to understand why some of my friends are afraid of driving. you have absolutely no control over the driving ability of the other people. a freak accident ending the life of my fraternity brother who was about to take over the world. I wanted to talk about something else today, but i can't remember what that is at this point in time. ah me.... good to know that i can always come back and update. Well, i still haven't thought about what else i had planned on writing about today. but alas, many other things just naturally pop into my head. I just feel like crying now. i do some of the most financially stupid things in the world. so with this accident I now have to pay at least $800 of my own money because of it. and i haven't gotten any news on remuneration from state farm and i know that there are some hidden costs about to spring up on my allstate account that i'll have no control over. i just feel like crying and telling people that you can't pull any fucking more blood out of this turnip. the fiscal irresponsibility trail that i burned during my undergraduate career is beginning to wreck it's completest havoc yet and i really don't know what to do. Back in '96 this was about the time that i began contemplating suicide which i trade to carry through later that decemeber. i don't think i'm at that point in my life again...but i will say that everything seems so fucking hopeless at this point that i don't know which way to turn. I don't have anyone that i can talk to about this. my father is such a fucking prick, his advice will be "go to your account and have him work some of this out." MY ACCOUNTANT. i mean how fucking buppie has his black ass become that he could even think that is temping ass faggot of a son has an accountant. i guess i better call in my stock broker and have her cash in those microsoft stocks that i was holding onto in the meantime. And i can't talk to my grandmother, i mean she only knows the cursory things that i tell her because she has enough going on in her life trying to deal with her shiftless son, my uncle. i mean the man stole about $10, 000 from my grandmother and the family thinks that I DID IT. I mean what the fuck. if i stole $10K would my ass still be in the shithole that it is now. but noone even question if jeff may have done it. maybe that's why i still can't speak to that side of my family with anything important. i'm sure they all have the poor nigger trash image of me my problems would just solidfy that mental picture of me. good god. And don't even think about my mom. i don't know if she even has a home to stay in. i can't call her because there is jack that i can do at this moment to solve any of her problems...and that would just make me feel more worthless than i already do regarding her whole situation. so, i guess i have you guys. shoulder woopie....thanks for caring....i'm going to get a tissue.

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