10-13-98: various and sundry things spew forth...
In the "you haven't spoken to me in three months" conversation that i
had the other night with my grandmother. i learned of the fact that her
boyfriend had died about a month ago. how do you react to the news that a man whom you've never met,
but who's kept your most beloved relative happy for several years is no longer in her life?
In the "talking to my mom, because i just need to" conversation, i found out that ouir house in
kannapolis may soon be forclosed upon and my mom, sister and niece could
become homeless and join the millions of other american who have
good jobs and are still without a roof over their heads. my mom told me that she's able to go on
living because at least she has the idea that I'm doing okay.
she deep down knows that it's a lie, but my family's history and preserverence has been built upon
the maintainence of many lies.
i can't write anymore right now...
Please stop the violence