The NillaPages:411
"I was born an original sinner, i was born from original sin, and if i had a dollar bill for all the things i've
done, there'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin"--The Missionary Man--the eurythmics
I'm doing the list thing, so that you can know all about me.
- Birth: 1/23
- Sign: Aquarian w00 h00!
- status: single looking for the special someone
- orientation: bisexual, gay-leaning
- race: primarily african-american/native american
- fav color: purple
- fav genres of music: musicals, vocal jazz, pop a cappella
- fav performers: the 0)+>, madonna, barbra streisand, stokes, audra mcdonald,
marin mazzie, k.d.lang, sade, manhatten transfer, housejacks, kathleen battle.
- occupation: clinical research coordinator
- avocation: director, performer
- goal: professor of dramatic arts/communication studies
- awards: national coke scholar, pogue scholar, b. n. duke fellow, graduate fellowship
- yes i have a pair of violet contacts
- Books/authors: clyde edgerton, grisham, collins; currently i'm reading
three different anthologies of plays.
- Collections: comic books, musicals, bootlegs, madonna, prince, collegiate a cappella
- all of my friends are youinger than me. well except for Sue...
- I love reading porn for the uhm, PLOT, no really i do you can ask
- i love reading web journals. i really, really, really miss lizzie's.
- i am a nozee bitch by nature. i can't help it. i also think that i can solve everyone's problems
- i started a club called the sunclub a while back. i love the icon but i hate being
in the sun cause i don't like to sweat or get hot.
That's all for now....gotta do some real work.